Mouse Genotyping

Guaranteed with 100% accuracy, starting at $10 per tail.

Mouse Genotyping – ingenious Add-On ServiceGuaranteed with 100% accuracy, starting at $10 per tail.Building upon your custom mouse model production. Convenient, affordable, and accurate.Ingenious offers a convenient and valuable PCR genotyping service that you can take advantage of when the production of your custom mouse model is complete. This service can include any PCR assay we developed when screening the targeted mouse ES cells or genotyping the mice during our production of your knockout or knockin mouse model.

Our service provides unambiguous detection of your targeted allele, whether it is the primary allele or the recombined allele after Cre or Flp activity. We can help you identify which mice you need to keep from the new generations of mice that you generate from breeding your custom mouse model.

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“Our project manager did an outstanding job and has provided us with excellent customer service. Her availability to clarify issues has been nothing short of fantastic. I have recommended ingenious to others. Look forward for further collaboration on other projects.”– Hamid M. Said, PhD, PharmD University of California, Irvine

Building upon your custom mouse model production. Convenient, affordable, and accurate.

Genotyping assays and service pricing:

PCR genotyping service, starting at $10 per tail.

$10 per tail

Examples of services that require one PCR assay each:

  • Screening for Neo selection cassette deletion
  • Screening for distal loxP (heterozygous or homozygous conditional knockout)
  • Screening for Sox2-Cre transgene
  • Screening for FLP deleter transgene
  • Screening for heterozygous ROSA26 knockin
  • Screening for heterozygous conditional inversion knockin

$15 per tail

Examples of services that require two PCR assays each:

  • Screening for homozygous ROSA26 knockin
  • Screening for homozygous conditional inversion knockin

$20 per tail

Example of services that require one PCR assay & DNA sequencing each:

  • Screening for constitutive point mutation knockin

The service fee per tail includes DNA extraction, PCR, gel analysis, and data report. We can also provide a more customized genotyping service involving PCR assay development and primer design. Note that a more customized genotyping service may require a minimum number of samples to be provided (e.g., five or more samples)

submission form

Our Step-by-Step Process

  • ingenious Designed Primers. Because we already performed the initial genotyping on your project, we may already have the relevant primers for running your genotyping assay. If we don’t already have the primers needed for your PCR assay, it should be straightforward for us to design them for your genotyping order.
  •  DNA Extraction. DNA is then extracted from every sample you send.
  • PCR Amplification. A small amount of DNA from every sample is used for PCR analysis.
  • Gel Electrophoresis. Once the PCR reactions are finished, all samples are analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis.
  • Gel Documentation. Agarose gels are imaged using a gel documentation system. All electronic images are stored in our database indefinitely.
  • Genotyping Analysis. Once the agarose gels have been imaged, the genotypes are determined based on the pattern(s) of the bands present.
  • Free Re-Runs. If a genotype cannot be determined with 100% certainty, we will re-run it free of charge. If a sample cannot be genotyped, you will be given the choice of submitting a new sample to be genotyped at no additional cost.
  • Genotyping Report. All genotypes, including gel documentation data, will be submitted to the client in the form of a genotyping report.
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Genotyping Service Information

Sample processing turnaround time and genotyping report

The turnaround time will be 3 to 4 business days from receipt of your tail snip samples if using our pre-designed oligos. Additional time may be needed if more customized genotyping assays are required for your samples.

The genotyping report will include:

Schematic showing the location of the primers
Sequences of the primers
Photos of PCR gel results
Table of PCR results for the tail samples submitted

If you would like tail DNA samples shipped back to you, please indicate this in the sample submission form. We will store the tail DNA samples for up to three weeks, unless you specifically request a longer storage period.

The genotyping report is provided upon receipt of payment for the service. Click here to view an example genotyping report.

Sample quality and repeating assays

For best processing results, your tail snips should be uniform in size, about 2 to 3 mm per tail sample.

Your tail tips should be placed individually in tubes and capped tightly, and either frozen in dry ice or immersed in 70-95% ethanol as soon as possible after the tail tips have been collected. If the tail tips are frozen, ensure that they are shipped in dry ice. If the tail tips are in ethanol, they can be stored at room temperature and shipped using FedEx, UPS, or standard mail.

Use an alcohol-resistant marker to clearly label the side or top of each tail sample tube with a Tube ID that corresponds to the Tube ID that you will enter in the sample submission form.

Sample submission

Please download this genotyping submission form, enter your sample and order information, and then submit it to us for your genotyping order request. If possible, please send us your shipment tracking number when you ship your tail samples.

If you need assistance for selecting the appropriate genotyping service for our mouse tail samples, please contact Mikaela Vallas at prior to submitting your genotyping order request.


We accept Purchase Orders, credit card, and Apple Pay for this service.